“Echoes from Chango Real”
In 2015, and following a series of audiviosual and consultation workshops, the Rural Community Museum initiated the community project we now call ‘the Radio’, which is part of a broader space for local, community-led communication, dialogue, memory, and audio-visual production.
In partnership with CDESCO and CIIVAC, and emphasising intercultural and collaborative approaches to communication, a series of capacity building events were undertaken to train local youngsters in the technical and conceptual aspects related to community radio activities. Additionally, a mass-consultation was undertaken to assess the communities’ needs and expectations for the radio. This consultation enabled the identification of the main themes for subsequent training workshops: Weekly news, Radio theatre, Stories from our grandparents, and Sport news. The principal objective of this area of work is that the community takes active control of radio production and transmission, transcending the usual role of passive listeners, as well as incorporating discursive and narrative forms that more closely reflect community perspectives on effective social communication. The activities undertaken within the framework of the community radio have revealed a tapestry of oral narratives and expressions about and within the landscape, which open pathways for conceiving and planning various activities of the current project.
As part of the Living Territories project activities, we fixed and renewed radio equipment to continue with capacity building and dissemination of project activities and community events. The radio provides a reliable, wide-reaching platform for the integration of information on community projects and the creation and dissemination of educational productions that will continue to be useful after the pandemic. This area of work is led by a team of communication professionals from CDESCO (Fernando Korstanje, Ana María Atienza, Eliseo Jantzon); lecturers from the Communication Science course at the School of Philosophy and Letters, University of Tucuman led by F. Korstanje (Abel Silva and Carla Arenas), local cultural managers (Lorena Villagra and Rita Alancay) and the wider team of CIIVAC.